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Customized services for your unique needs, promoting overall well-being

Our Services

Our innovative physical therapy services and specialty certifications

We pride ourselves on the continuing education that we provide to our staff, keeping them on the cutting-edge of new trends in rehabilitation, and keeping YOU healthy and active. As a result, we have the capability to implement a wide variety of innovative techniques, if deemed appropriate by your Physical Therapist.


What we treat

Lower Back Pain
Neck Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Ankle Pain
Arm Pain
Shoulder Pain
TMJ Pain
Parkinson’s Disease
Pre-Surgical Physical Therapy
Pre-Surgical Physical Therapy
Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
Multiple Sclerosis
Sports Injury

Wellness services

Are You Struggling With Persistent Pain?

Explore our Effective Physical Therapy Solutions:

Is pain stopping you from living life to the fullest? The first step to reclaiming your life is finding relief! Physical therapy is a proven, safe way to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and restore functional abilities.

Our expert physical therapists will not only help relieve your pain but also assist you in achieving your unique health and fitness goals. We tailor our treatment approaches to your specific needs, ensuring you can return to the activities you love!

Take the first step towards a pain-free life by contacting our physical therapy clinic today!

Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain?

Experience the Potential Benefits of Cupping Therapy! 

Cupping therapy, with its roots in traditional Chinese and Middle Eastern medicinal practices, is a therapy method that has been providing relief for thousands of years. we utilize cupping therapy as an effective technique for pain management.

This therapeutic modality, often termed “tissue distraction release,” involves placing circular cups on the skin’s pain points or tension areas. Ancient societies from China, Egypt, and the Middle East initially introduced cupping to alleviate pain and minimize inflammation.

If you’re keen to try cupping or want to understand how it could help mitigate your pain, don’t delay in scheduling an appointment.

Don’t Neglect Your Muscles

Holistic Care for Your Body

Throughout the year, we routinely engage in a variety of health check-ups. From visiting primary care physicians and dentists to cardiologists and other specialists, we consistently seek professional oversight to ensure our bodies are performing at their best. But why don’t we extend the same consideration to our bones, muscles, and joints?

Our musculoskeletal system is an intricate matrix of muscles, bones, and joints. A minor hip injury, for instance, can lead to foot pain, triggering improper posture. This misalignment can, in turn, precipitate injuries elsewhere. Before you realize it, you’re in discomfort and need specialist intervention for relief.

Request Appointment

Is Dizziness Dictating Your Life?

Do you frequently feel dizzy? Do you find yourself clutching onto furniture or leaning against walls to regain balance throughout your day? You may be dealing with a vestibular issue. Our physical therapists can help determine the cause of your symptoms and guide you towards an effective solution.

Every year, over 10 million patients seek a physician’s help due to dizziness. Dizziness encompasses a variety of sensations, from feeling faint to feeling unsteady or weak. It is usually indicative of mechanical issues resulting from dysfunction of the vestibular system, either peripheral (inner ear, vestibular nerve) or central (brainstem, cerebellum), or it can be a side effect of certain medications.

Schedule an appointment with us today to explore more about our vestibular rehabilitation services.

Maximize Your Performance

Stay On Top Of Your Game

Athletes dedicate themselves to rigorous training to excel in their sport, but pushing your body to the limit also increases the risk of injury. To maintain peak condition and sustain your active lifestyle, prioritizing injury prevention and effective recovery is crucial.

our team of skilled sport physical therapists specializes in preventing injuries and optimizing recovery time. With our expertise, you can reduce the likelihood of injuries and enhance your conditioning, enabling you to stay on top of your game and enjoy sustained activity for longer periods. Trust us to support your athletic goals and keep you performing at your best.

Prevent sport-related injuries
Reduce pain during recovery
Injury rehabilitation and recovery
Identify factors that lead to injury or pain

Discover the Benefits of Manual Therapy at our Clinic!

Are you in search of an effective method to alleviate pain or enhance your range of motion? Manual therapy might be the perfect solution you’re looking for!

Our physical therapists utilize manual therapy to reduce pain, restore range of motion, and aid in rejuvenating an individual’s mobility. This technique involves skilled hand movements that passively manipulate joints and soft tissue toproduce the desired outcomes.

our therapists are proficient at identifying the root cause of your issues and providing safe, highly effective treatments. Our primary goal is to help you find relief and return to your favorite activities!

Set an appointment today to explore how manual therapy can benefit you!

Have You Been Benched Due to a Sports Injury?

Kinesio Taping Might Just Be the Advantage You Need to Rejoin the Action!

Kinesio taping, often referred to as sports taping, KT taping, or Rock taping, employs a specific type of tape to alleviate pain and enhance mobility, all while providing support to your joints, muscles, and tendons.

Injuries may be an inevitable part of sports, but thankfully, our physical therapists in apply advanced treatments to enable you to compete at your optimal level. Kinesio taping can alleviate pain from an array of injuries, speeding up recovery, and augmenting your overall mobility and sports performance.

Whether you’ve strained a muscle during training or sustained an injury unrelated to sports, our physical therapists are here to alleviate your discomfort and get you back in the game you love!

We Streamline The Process For You – Our Physical Therapists Take Care Of The Stretching!

Do you often find yourself stretching, yet noticing no significant change? Uncertain if you’re targeting the correct muscles? Allow our proficient physical therapists in to conduct a soothing 30-minute stretch session tailored just for you! Advantages of regular stretching include:
  • Increase range of motion and flexibility
  • Improve performance
  • Reduce muscle and joint pain
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce stress

Regain Your Movement and Functionality with Therapeutic Exercise!

Have you observed a decrease in your mobility, impacting your ability to fully engage in life? Are you seeking a dependable, effective resolution? Therapeutic exercise is the answer and so much more! Therapeutic exercise is a specific treatment utilized by our physical therapists in to rectify physical impairments, restore muscle and bone function, and maintain or enhance your overall health and well-being. We tailor therapeutic exercises based on your unique requirements to guarantee the best possible outcomes.

We accept all major insurance providers


Client Feedback

Listen to What Our Clients Have to Say: Real Stories of Success and Satisfaction